Thursday, 26 February 2009


Ever strolled out onto the Landing in Dalaran and wondered why some of the Dragon mounts look better than the others? That's because they are Proto-Drakes!

I'm Exhalted with the Wyrmcrest Accord so I could easily go any buy a normal drake but why waste the money when I'll only want a Proto-Drake? There's 5 Proto-Drakes available at the moment with another 2 possibly coming in Uludar (3.1 patch) - an Ironbound and Rusted Proto-Drake.

So, how do I get my hands on one of these Proto-Drakes? Good question and here's how I plan on doing it:

Blue Proto-Drake

This is a 1% drop from Skadi the Ruthless, 3rd boss in Utgarde Peak Heroic. Now 1% chance and assuming you're in a group of 5 with all rolling need gives you a 0.2% chance and if the heroic is run once a day that could take 100/0.2 = 500 Days!

Green Proto-Drake

At Exalted with the Oracles you can buy cracked egg which has a 7 day cool down and you have a 2% chance of getting it from this. 100/2 * 7 = 350 Days!

Plagued Proto-Drake

Completing the raid achievements (normal) will get you this Proto-Drake. Assuming you're in a good 10 man team, it's quite achievable, no relying on luck!

Red Proto-Drake

This is the reward for completing all the 5-Man Heroic achievements. Having a solid team of 5 is more likely than a team of 10 above and with better gear this will get easier and easier. Again, not relying on a lucky drop.

Time-Lost Proto-Drake

This is a guaranteed drop from the Rare-Spawning Time-Lost Proto-Drake in the Storm Peaks. Who knows how long it could take to spot this?

Valilor's Conclusion

I don't like relying on luck and if you see my rolls you'll probably know why! I'm going to aim for the Red Proto-Drake as I think it will be the easiest to get and then the Plagued one. Saying that, I won't go out of my way for the other 3 but it would be a bonus to fluke them! When I get to exalted with the oracles I could just buy the egg every 7 days, not much bother..

Gotta be in it to win it! Which one do you prefer?

*UPDATE 03.03.2009*

I missed out a drake:

The Black Proto-Drake

This comes from completing all the heroic raid achievements, which includes the hardest thing in WoW to do (apparently) - killing Saph with all 3 drakes for the Twilight Zone achievement.

Another thing I forgot to add was that all these proto-drakes have a 100% land speed and 280% air speed, apart from the Plagued/Black proto-drakes which are 310%!

The bad news is that they are going to be removed shortly, probably in line with the 3.1 patch, as they will be too easy to get with T8 gear from Uludar - and they could be replaced with the Ironbound/Rusted Proto-Drakes I mentioned above!

Better get them quick!

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

When your luck runs out......

Well last night was interesting, it consisted of 2 heroics and one bit of Naxx 10 - here's how it went (Didn't take any WWS, completely forgot!):

Utgarde Pinnacle (Heroic)

Earlier on in the day we decided to do a UP achievement run as I really want to get a Proto-Drake and I think this is probably the easiest one to get (I'll do a post on Proto-Drakes soon).
The 3 achievements we were aiming for were The Incredible Hulk, Lodi dodi we love the skadi and My girl loves to skadi all the time. I had done some research so we weren't relying on any flukes.

First up was the incredible hulk. Here you have to Force Svala Sorrowgrave to kill a Scourge Hulk. There's 2 in the room and the tactic is to fight one down to 9k HP and then engage the boss - and when she does her sword sacrifice thing, the tank takes the hulk under the sword and takes the blow with it (9k hit) killing the hulk. Should be straight forward?

Attempt 1 - we went in, took the hulk to the right down to 9k HP and went for the boss, it was going ok but the hulk died before the sword hit - either some DoTs, pets or AoE hit him down. Fail. We wiped and tried again.

Attempt 2 - we went for the other hulk at the back of the room and did the same thing again but were a lot more careful with AoE, DoTs and pets. Heloko - our paladin healer - got teleported to the sacrificing place and we were busy trying to get the hulk in place that we forgot the healer couldn't heal untill the 3 witches were killed! Mynnx, the tank, had no choice but to kill the hulk or we'd wipe. Fail. No more hulk left, no more retries today.

The next 2 achievements we went for at the same time. There's a little exploit you can use here to make it a lot easier but we still only managed to get 1 of the 2 achievements. One of them requires you to hit the boss with harpoons 5 times in a single pass and kill him and the other is to finish the encounter within 3 mins. With the exploit this should be fairly easy.

The exploit is to start the encounter, each DPS gather 2 harpoons (total 6, 1 spare) and then run back out of the boss area, resetting the encounter. One person then runs out, triggers it and runs back in, counts to 10 and then everyone runs out. No-one will be there and you can get into position to tank the mobs in the doorway and fire all the harpoons at once.

We did this pretty easily after an initial mess-up counting to 10 (Numbers are hard!) but Mynnx, our Feral DPS Druid who respecced to Tank for this instance, struggled to keep all the mobs tanked, so when the first pass came, we shot him down but some stray mobs killed both me and Rosencrantz (Mage DPS from our guild - AMOV). The rest of the fight went well, Mynnx, Heloko and another Mage (Grapedrink -not from our guild, yuk!) took the boss down but obviously with 2/3 of your DPS dead the time limit wasn't made - still, got the "Kill in single pass" achievement.

Next time we'll get it!

Halls of Lightning (Heroic)

It was about 11:30pm and I was about to log off (Did my daily "chores" - Oracles & cooking dailies) when a new DK DPS in our guild - Ultradeath - asked for a DPS to come to do the HoL. I thought I'd make a good impression of our guild so I helped him out. HoL is the only Heroic where I don't need any drops or achievements. They had already killed the first boss General Bjarngrim so there was only 2 left. It's not like I needed the Tokens either, I had 136 before going into this Heroic!

Anyway, some of the party didn't realise that when you run through the room full of "slags" they explode when killed. The DK tank AoEing the mobs right in their face wasn't the best idea - Wipe. Ultradeath then logged off in protest and I was left in a PuG full of strangers doing a Heroic I didn't need anything from. /sigh

We did well from then on though, smashed through the boss' post haste! I already had the achievements but we killed Loken within 2 mins for the timely death achievement (For once I topped the DPS in that fight - mainly down to some good healing from "healingsux" lol) and defeated Volkhan for the Shatter Resistance achievement.

So in conclusion, so far that night I had 1 out of 3 achievements and ran a heroic for nothing and it was now past midnight....better log off right?

Naxx 10

Wrong. In trade chat I saw "LF2 ranged DPS for Naxx 10, 3 boss' left - 4 Horsemen, KT and Sapp. Cool I thought, I've done the Arachnid, Plague and construct quarters so I haven't even seen these bosses before, so I replied "Inv?"

I got a summon and the walk from the Stone to the 4 Horsemen is quite a long walk! The place is HUGE from the inside - you'd never guess from the outside. Anyway, I got there and we had a pre boss tactics talk and went in. I'd not read about/seen these bosses before and I was to tank the ranged horsemen with a Lock and a healer.

The 10 man raid split into 2, Group one - priest healer, Lock and I went to the back of the room and the rest (2 healers, 2 Tanks, rest DPS) stayed at the front. I'm not sure what the job was of the other group but mine was cool:

The boss's split to 4 corners of the room, the front two charge down whoever is at the top of their aggro list while the back two just shoot at whoever is nearest. I stood near one of the back 2 and the Lock stood near the other back one, the healer stood in the middle with the job of keeping us alive. The Lock and I then opened up on the boss' avoiding any black holes until a debuff gets stacked 3 times on us and then we switched boss' - the 3 debuffs from one boss would then wear off while we'd get new ones from the other.

This went back and forth, running right to left (apart from my pet Dave, who died well early on) and it was strange replying on the healer so much, my health would go from near full to down to 2/3k and then back up again like a yo-yo - is this what tanking is like? I'm normally so independent! I kept noticing every now and then that "X has died" in the bottom of the screen - it wasn't the lock or the healer in my group so I ignored it. After another 2 died I got worried - looked right and the 2 other boss' charged us. Wipe. Long walk back!

Attempt 2 was a complete success - we finished them with no deaths! Good stuff.

Hang on a minute, something went your way you ask? Well, not quite...

News Flash one: SERVER RESET IN 12 MINS - looks like I'm not going to see the other 2 boss' today after all :(

News Flash two: Oooh a good hunter shoulder drops Pauldrons of Havoc - a lot better than my Spaulders of the Black Arrow

News Flash three: I roll need, get 96! OMG Some my first piece of new gear in weeks!!

News Flash four: Other hunter who was pretty poor (also in PvP gear) rolls need.......99.

Bed @ 1:45am

Friday, 20 February 2009

Busy Day!

Well yesterday was a busy day, 2 Raid runs and 3 Heroics! Not too shabby. No loot from the raids though and a couple of items which I'm not sure are improvements without testing from Heroics, but more on that later!

Time for some results.

The Obsidian Sanctum (25 Man)

I joined a random PuG here and the whole thing went pretty smoothly, no ninja-ing and only 1 wipe as half the raid decided to ride Sarth's magma wave without a surfboard. Truly put the "Wipe" in "Wipeout". No hunter drops though :(

I came 5th in the DPS - not too bad considering I've not got much raid gear and a better geared survival hunter came in 2nd place - "only" 600 DPS higher than me, lol.

And here's how my stats break down - as you can see, autoshot does the majority of my damage - not very sexy. Also, post hunter-nerf, steadyshot is way down, it used to be just behind Autoshot in damage. Sigh.

Vault of Archavon (25 man)

5th again on the DPS here but the number was higher - 2.7k DPS - possibly because there's less running around/looking out for waves to be done in this battle. 3 Hunters in the raid, I came 3rd out of them and they were all survival and better geared. I'm quite looking forward to being equally geared and then seeing how much of a difference there is between the specs, until then I'm sticking MM. Again no drops but now I have 21 Valor tokes - when I get to 25 I can buy the Ring of Invincibility!

Azjol-Nerub (Heroic)

3 out of the 5 people in the 3 heroics I was in were from our guild "Aggro my own vegetables" and it's definitely more fun being in a guild run than PuGs! Asaron (DK, Tank) and Mynnx (Feral Druid, DPS) were the other 2 guild members and Erot (Paladin, DPS) and Healingsux (Priest, Healer) were randoms, of which we would welcome to our guild! (Note: Erot was also drunk but sobered up as the heroics went on. Been a while since I drunk-WoW'd!)

AN was pretty easy, we wiped once on Hadronox because he bugged (being a spider is no excuse!). However we somehow still got the achievement "Gotta Go" without even trying for it. Previously you had to beat the last boss within 2 mins but as of the last patch it got extended to 4 mins and as none of us are full Naxx geared, I'd imagine this would be pretty easy for most people to do now (We did it in 3 mins 44 secs - see below).

If you look at the reports below, we're in the "Top 50" fights - I guess this is the top 50 uploads to WWS for this heroic which is a bit crazy, as while we were good I don't think we were that good.

It's nice to see the jump up in DPS from Raid boss' to Heroic Bosses and it's also nice to see boss' drop before my mana runs out! MM need more mana!!

Drak'Tharon Keep (Heroic)

The daily Heroic. DTK is pretty easy for Ranged DPS, the only fiddly bit is getting all the adds in Novos the Summoner, but that's not too difficult. Mynnx put in a good performance in the DPS as you'll see below - it looks like any boss which has add's Mynnx does better in with the AoE Swipe move while single boss' with no adds I'll do better in. Either way, a good combination!

We went for an achievement on King Dred - to kill him with all 6 raptors still alive - but we wiped so we scrapped that achievement run! On the last boss the healer also died (stay out of the green poison cloud!) but Mynnx was on the ball and started healing - it was enough to see us through.

And look at the first 2 boss fights, we got top 20 results!

The Violet Hold (Heroic)

Our guild's Heroic of choice - quick and easy to get to! We've wiped here before on previous runs at Zuramat the Obliterator so getting him in the "Boss Lottery" and one-shotting him is a good sign of progress for us! Naxx 10 here we come!

I've been doing this heroic for a while now trying to get the Cloak of Gushing wounds to drop but it never did, so I a got the Ice Striker's cloak made instead for me. I joked that next time we did the Violet Hold the Cloak of Gushing wounds would drop, and guess what? IT DID!

On the Erekem fight look at Erot's DPS - over 4k! That's crazy! Top 20 result again :) I think Erot want's to be in AMOV ;)

Monday, 16 February 2009

First Post!


Hmmm, not really the same when it's my own blog.

Anyway, welcome to Valilor's blog - from the description you can see that this is going to be mainly about WoW talk so if any of you found this site by searching for vegetables, may I recommend:

So a brief introducion is in order:

I'm Valilor, MM hunter from the EU server Chromaggus in a currently all-UK guild "Aggro my own vegetables". I've been playing WoW for a year and a half now -only as Valilor, I have no alts (other than a bank).

The guild is currently recruiting people so if you're looking for an alliance guild in the EU Chromaggus, check us out:;jsessionid=3D6360BDEEEE662F96DA40CE67C9E0C1.app06_06?topicId=7913301830&sid=1&pageNo=2

Well, I think that will do for now, expect some more postings soon!

Signing out.